Mental Health Champions

#RunAndTalk normally starts at Chorlton Waterpark and heads down the Mersey.

Who are the Mental Health CHampions?

We are a small team of volunteers who are passionate about promoting the emotional and psychological benefits of being part of the running community.

We may have had their own issues with mental health or been affected by mental illness in our family or friend group. We are available to listen and support members and can signpost to professional mental health services if necessary.

We also hold ad hoc events in conjunction with England Athletics’ #RunAndTalk campaign promoting good mental health and the benefits of running.


Disclaimer: The role of the Mental Health Champions is not to provide counselling or specialist advice. However, if you need help we can point you in the right direction for further support.

  • Will


#RunAndTalk, supported by Mind – the mental health charity, has been created with the aim of improving mental health through running in England.

We encourage people to talk about mental health, sharing their experiences and removing stigma that often comes along with it.

We support people experiencing mental health problems to be physically active through running, whether that is to support them in starting, returning to or continuing to run.

Chorlton Runners is registered with the #RunAndTalk programme and organises events throughout the year.

For details of our next run contact the Mental Health Champions and see the UK Athletics website for more general information.