
What are the hazards? Who might be harmed and how? What are you already doing? Risk rating What else can you do to control this risk? Action by whom?
Getting lost Participants/public Ensure leader is competent to plan and follow a route.
Standard run routes are used in the winter months to ensure they are well known by all club members.
Intro to run leading sessions held regularly.
M Hold further sessions with run leaders on planning and following routes. Club committee
Physical overload Participants Ensure leader is competent to identify and manage risks from physical overload.
Intro to run leading sessions held regularly.
H Frequently review EA guidance and ensure run leaders are kept up to date. Club committee
Equipment failure Participants/leaders/public Ensure run leader understands what and how equipment can fail.
Runners advised to ensure correct kit is worn to run club sessions.
M Frequently review EA guidance and ensure run leaders are kept up to date.
All equipment to be checked prior to use.
Club committee
Weather conditions Participants/leaders/public Ensure that run leaders understand what conditions require route changes and when to avoid a route if there is a danger present from ice or extreme heat.
Briefings before sessions during spells of extreme weather to ensure run leaders understand risks. Club chair or RLC to call off runs if weather conditions are too extreme.
Ensure that run leaders plan regular water stops during hot weather.
M Ensure leaders enforce use of correct kit within their run groups. Including gloves and layers for colder weather, and water, hat & sun cream for hot weather.
Always communicate with leaders prior to a run in specific weather conditions.
Red weather warnings will result in a cancellation of ALL club runs.
Yellow/amber weather warnings are cautionary and run leader/coaches to monitor weather conditions and discuss with committee if considering cancellation.
Some routes/shortcuts may be banned on days of ice (i.e. shortcut to Quays via cobbled alleyway at top of Oswald Road)
Club committee
Ill health Participants Ensure that leaders understand the procedure for dealing with any first aid situations (written for Chorlton Runners).
Intro to run leading sessions are held regularly to brief leaders on this.
H Accident form available on line to complete. Club committee
Slips, trips & falls Participants/ public Ensure that the leaders understand what they should do in the event of a minor injury.
Chorlton Runners policy have a specific procedure for injured runners saved in our shared space online.
Plan routes in advance and consider group experience level.
M Ensure adequate numbers of leaders in the club obtain their LiRF qualification which includes a basic first aid module. Club committee
Safeguarding All Ensure that the club has an appropriate safeguarding policy.
Welfare officers at the club have undertaken appropriate safeguarding training.
H Ensure adequate numbers of leaders in the club obtain their LiRF qualification which includes a safeguarding module. Club committee
Change to plan Participants/leaders Ensure run leaders know alternative routes that they can use to cut home quickly or change plans if required.
Ensure leader is competent to adapt to changing situations. Intro to run leading sessions held regularly that cover this.
L Continue to brief run leaders on how to adapt to changing conditions and to modify their runs if they feel it is required. Club committee
Collisions Participants/leaders/public Ensure run leaders understands how to reduce the risk of collisions.
Ensure run leaders use designated crossings to reduce the risk.
Ensure all runners have correct kit to be visible e.g. lights/reflective clothing
H Continually remind runners of how they should use crossing to reduce risk.
Brief out at the start of every run in front of all leaders and runner to share the responsibility.
Club committee
Emergency situations Participants/leaders/public Ensure the leaders understand what an emergency situation is and how to deal with this (this is covered in the intro to run leading session pack).
Ensure run leader always carries a phone, and runners are also encouraged to carry phones to ensure emergency services can be contacted if required.
H Further develop the club Welfare structure to assist runners that need support after a traumatic experience. Club committee
Pre-existing medical conditions Participants Ensure leader check with the group regarding pre-existing conditions before starting the run.
Ensure that they know how to adapt their run to suit any issues the group may have with certain terrain / darkness etc.
M Ensure consistent approach to gaining PARQ. Club committee
Incorrect supervision Participants/leaders/public Ensure that sessions are run with current good practise relevant to the activity, environment and participants.
Back-markers to be used in groups >10
M Review current good practise for different types of session and participant and ensure that the club leaders understand this guidance. Club committee
Animals Participants/leaders/public Ensure leader has a good understanding of dealing with common issues. L Research and understand injuries relating to animal conflict. Club committee
Running Injuries Participants/ leaders/public Ensure leader includes a warm up and cool down for each run. M Review EA guidance and apply further action as necessary. Club committee

Off Road

What are the hazards? Who might be harmed and how? What are you already doing? Risk rating What else can you do to control this risk? Action by whom?
Getting lost Participants/public Ensure leader is competent to plan and follow a route - Intro to run leading sessions held regularly.
Ensure that runners have lights and reflective gear so that no one can be lost in the dark.
Ensure all runners have a phone and understand how to contact the emergency services.
Ensure leader has use of GPS and that a designated person knows the run-route and ETA for arriving home/back.
M Hold further sessions with run leaders on planning and following routes. Club committee
Physical overload Participants Ensure leader is competent to identify and manage risks from physical overload - intro to run leading sessions held regularly to brief on this.
Water in a backpack or waist belt should be carried when running off-road to ensure runners stay hydrated.
H Frequently review EA guidance and ensure run leaders are kept up to date. Club committee
Equipment failure Participants/leaders/public Ensure run leader understands what and how equipment can fail.
Runners advised to ensure correct kit is worn to club runs off-road, including grippy shoes for the trails / fells and full FRA kit if running in the hills.
Off-road running – runners and leaders advised to carry a first aid kit at all times when running off road in the hills. Running off-road in close proximity to the Bowling Green pub (Chorlton) may not require a first aid kit.
M Frequently review EA guidance and ensure run leaders are kept up to date. All equipment to be checked prior to use. Club committee
Weather conditions Participants/leaders/public Ensure that run leaders understand what conditions require route changes and when to avoid a route if there is a danger present from ice or extreme heat.
Briefings before sessions during spells of extreme weather to ensure run leaders understand risks – run to be called off if conditions are dangerous.
Ensure that run leaders plan regular water stops during hot weather.
Ensure that runners carry correct equipment with them for the expected weather conditions.
Ensure that the leader is familiar with the route and the terrain, and understand escape routes that can be used if weather conditions change quickly.
Club chair or RLC to call off runs if weather conditions are too extreme.
Ensure that run leaders plan regular water stops during hot weather.
M Ensure leaders enforce use of correct kit within their run groups. Including gloves and layers for colder weather, and water, hat & sun cream for hot weather.
Always communicate with leaders prior to a run in specific weather conditions.
Red weather warnings will result in a cancellation of ALL club runs.
Yellow/amber weather warnings are cautionary and run leader/coaches to monitor weather conditions and discuss with committee if considering cancellation.
Club committee
Ill health Participants Ensure that leaders understand the process for dealing with any first aid situations. Intro to run leading sessions are held regularly to brief leaders on this.
Ensure leaders and runners have approporiate kit for the run they are on incluing foil blanket and food & water incase of ill health.
H Accident form available on line to complete. Club committee
Slips, trips & falls Participants/public Ensure that the leaders understand what they should do in the event of a minor injury. Chorlton Runners policy have a specific procedure for injured runners saved in our shared space online.
Plan routes in advance and consider group experience level.
Ensure runners carry correct equipment, including Headtorch and spare batteries for off-road running. Safety blankets can be carried to keep runners warm in the event of an injury.
M Ensure adequate numbers of leaders in the club obtain their LiRF qualification which includes a basic first aid module. Club committee
Safeguarding All Ensure that the club has an appropriate safeguarding policy.
Welfare officers at the club have undertaken appropriate safeguarding training.
H Ensure adequate numbers of leaders in the club obtain their LiRF qualification which includes a safeguarding module. Club committee
Change to plan Participants/leaders Ensure run leaders know alternative routes that they can use to cut home quickly or change plans if required.
Ensure leader is competent to adapt to changing situations. Intro to run leading sessions held regularly that cover this.
L Continue to brief run leaders on how to adapt to changing conditions and to modify their runs if they feel it is required. Club committee
Collisions Participants/leaders/public Ensure run leaders understands how to reduce the risk of collisions – this relates more to collisions with other runners when off-road.
Ensure run leaders use designated crossings where possible to reduce the risk.
Ensure all runners have correct kit to be visible to other runners including lights and reflective clothing
H Continually remind runners of how they should use crossing to reduce risk. Brief out at the start of every run in front of all leaders and runner to share the responsibility. Club committee
Emergency situations Participants/leaders/public Ensure the leaders understand what an emergency situation is and how to deal with this – this is covered in the intro to run leading session pack.
Ensure all runners have a phone and understand how to contact the emergancy services (this could be mountain rescue if running off-road in the hills).
Ensure leader has use of GPS.
H Further develop the club Welfare structure to assist runners that need support after a traumatic exp erience. Club committee
Pre-existing medical conditions Participants Ensure leader check with the group regarding pre-existing conditions before starting the run. Ensure that they know how to adapt their run to suit any issues the group may have with certain terrain / darkness etc. M Ensure consistent approach to gaining PARQ. Club committee
Incorrect supervision Participants/leaders/public Ensure that sessions are run with current good practise relevant to the activity, environment and participants.
Back-markers to be used in groups >10.
M Review current good practise for different types of session and participant and ensure that the club leaders understand this guidance. Club committee
Animals Participants/leaders/public Ensure leader has a good understanding of dealing with common issues. L Research and understand injuries relating to animal conflict. Club committee
Running Injuries Participants/leaders/public Ensure leader includes a warm up and cool down for each run. M Review EA guidance and apply further action as necessary. Club committee
Manual handling Participants/leaders Ensure run leaders understand the capabilities of the group with regards to obstacles including stiles / stepping stones etc, and can plan around these if required. M Review EA guidance and apply further action as necessary. Club committee